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Ask Sim Gnome – Cooking Opportunities July 6, 2010

Posted by simgnome in Ask Sim Gnome.
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Sim Gnome

Dear Sim Gnome,

I’m all flustered as I have been asked to make cookies for a neighbor and yet I can’t do this at all.  I don’t know how to make cookies and not sure what to do now. 
B. Newbie

Now now..calm down, we can make this right yet.  First you will want to learn the recipe for cookies, you can purchase this recipe at the bookstore and read it or by watching the cooking channel on your tv if your tv has that channel available. (More expensive tvs have more channels available on them than the cheaper ones or a Handy sim with enough skill can upgrade your tv to get more channels.) Which recipes you learn from watching the cooking channel on the tv is just chance but you will learn more about cooking while doing so….you can’t loose.

Once you have the recipe read it if you bought it from the bookstore.  Now go to your fridgerator and choose Make Dessert and you should see Cookies as an option.  Once made you will want to carry them to the neighbor that wanted them.   Use the hand to then put the cookies into your inventory, now deliver them.  If the person you need to deliver the cookies to are unavailable, you can store the Cookies group meal in the fridge till you get that chance.  They will spoil if kept in  inventory long term.  Tootle loo!  Happy Cooking!


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