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Gnomish Stories – Derrian DuPont July 10, 2010

Posted by simgnome in Mysterious Gnomes.
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Derrian DuPont

I wanted to share with you another of my gnomish stories, this one of the lad Derrian DuPont.  Quite an interesting lad he is…I met him down by the river one day fishing.  (Actually, he is a CAS sim I made to try out the new Ghosting Hunting Profession and write up a guide for it in the future.) Derrian is the eccentric black sheep of a wealthy family.  He left home one day with only the shirt on his back and a determination to make his own way in the world…more like wandered off aimlessly but it sounded better how he told it. 

Derrian is an unappropriate bookworm who is an eccentric handy genius.  What a personality yet…it works for him..yes…yes it does.  Let me explain, the lad had a hankering to become a ghost hunter after reading a book about it. 

So he moved to Twinbrook and bought a huge lot in the upper class neighborhood, why you ask?  I have no idea, I am just telling you what happened.  Now having few simoleans left after his big land purchase and a irrational fear of meteor strikes, he built a basement with just a wee wooden building on top to keep the rain from flowing down into his underground hole.  In his basement, the conditions were spartan but he could work with that.  After applying and being accepted at the Science Center to be a ghosthunter, his new job would start the next day but what to do till then?  

Derrian planted a small garden and fertilized it with cheap store bought minnows to give it a good start then began to wander the town.  Being an unappropriate lad he rummaged some trash cans and picked up a load of salvage from the junkyard after I suggested that he really could use the extra furniture which the repairman would of course fix up for him.  (See a post in Did You Know to see why I suggested that.)  After selling off all the rubber ducks, bubble bath, keeping the seeds for future use, sent the metals and gems off to be smelted and cut, and keeping all precious found books his nest egg had grown so he could afford some extras. 

Now the ghosthunter profession starts out slow or at least it did for him (In a newly started Twinbrook) only two jobs a night then he could return home to use his telescope he put atop the flat roof of the wooden building.  Eventually, he started overcoming some challenges as with a lifetime award..his unappropriateness no longer bothered other sims.  Thus while ghosthunting, he could repair sinks and clogged toilets after ridding the homes of spirits and have a warm shower or a meal from the fridge while he was there and the folks were so grateful for his help…they paid no mind to his unappropriate actions at all.  Derrian could do no wrong!  He took a class at the Science Center in inventing and eventually could afford a new workbench which he promptly used to make wigets to sell at the consignment store to further suppliment his income.  A real good use of all the scrap he has acquired by rummaging through trash cans as well!

Now Derrian is a Spirit Sweeper (level 4 ghost hunter) and doing quite well for himself having bought into the Science Center as a partner and bought the Bookstore of his dreams.  He even acquired a bride, a pretty young lass who was working as a maid at one of the houses with a particularly interesting trashcan he liked to visit on a regular basis. She had a bag of garbage to put in the trashcan and it was love at first sight..he really admired her trash technique!  She’s now in the cooking career which meshes well with the odd hours Derrian keeps as a ghost hunter. His house is growing…even the above ground story and he’s purchased cars for both he and his wife. He’s still ghosthunting yet now also waking the neighbors at 2AM when he runs his miner in the front lawn.  That is a great way to meet ALL the neighbors as they all woke up to come complain about the noise.  Ooops! 

I’m actually surprised at how well he’s done, this inappropriate black sheep.  (His mix of traits seems to make an ideal ghosthunter/inventor as he has been remarkably successful in a very short period of time.) We might revisit him later to see how he’s doing.  Tootle loo!


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