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Strange Occurance with French Romance July 2, 2010

Posted by simgnome in Mysterious Gnomes.
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I was staying with Dr. Jamie Jolina when I saw this odd occurance happen. The lass had gone on vacation to France and returned raving about this Frenchman she had met there.  She said she had met Andre Lefebvre and they had a whirlwind romance.  He had divorced his wife even and was coming to Sunset Valley the very next day to marry Jamie.  This was all too fast I thought and I tried to talk some sense into the lass but she wouldn’t listen to me…I’m not even sure she could hear me at all…at all. 

So the next day, Andre arrives from France and the two are quickly married and he moved in with Jamie.  As Andre has some skill with nectar making, the back yard was soon planted in grapes and he settled right in.  But then…it happened….on the second day since Andre arrived from France, Jamie and Andre get word that Andre’s ex wife and his young son have moved to Sunset Valley.  They followed him somehow. 

Andre started talking to his son daily by phone and then visits where we learned he and his mother had been struggling since they arrived in Sunset Valley.  The wee lad’s mother couldn’t find work and the bills were piling up fast.  So Andre and Jamie invited the young lad to live with them and Jamie arranged for her husband’s ex to be hired by a friend of hers in town.  Things improved somewhat for Andre’s ex wife, she was getting job promotions and even moved into a bigger house yet had gone through a string of boyfriends since the divorce.  Yet there wasn’t much more Andre could do as by then Jamie was expecting and the Nectary was beginning to take off.  He was settled. 

As if Andre’s ex wife and son following him to Sunset Valley wasn’t odd enough…it got still worse.  Andre had returned to France but for 3 days to bring back a second nectar machine and more grapes to plant when it got really crazy.  When Andre returned from his business trip to France…a second Andre came back with him and was added to the family. (The second Andre was an exact duplicate and it had even duplicated everything that was in Andre’s inventory.  That meant more grapes and another collection helper but what to do with the second Andre now?)  That smart Jamie was the one not to panic.  She swiftly opened her trusty laptop…this one specially made by NRass Industries and that brilliant scientist Twallan.  While Andre sent his clone down town for a change of first name and a stylist visit, Jamie was fixing it all on her super computer. 

Jamie severed the family ties of the clone and restablished new ones….now the clone was Andre’s brother Del and would be married to Andre’s ex wife.  Del was moved in with Andre’s ex and all was well.  He promptly got a job and the new family soon had a child on the way.  Also strange…a duplicate family by the same names still lives in France yet now minus Andre.  Yet it was all  fixed good enough by the super computer.  Thank you Twallan!  You can find his fine work here :  http://ts3.tscexchange.com/index.php?board=105.0  I can highly recommend the Super Computer and Story Progression Mods of his. 

Now I have seen other sims marry folks they have met in France, Egypt and in China or even tourists with no problems what so ever.  This was the only strange occurance that turned into a big mess for Dr.  Jamie to fix, as she did create it.  I have heard of no other stories quite as bizarre as this one turned out to be.  You long legs need to be more careful on your vacations!

(Update:  The kid grew up into a teenager that ran..never walked anywhere so I think that game is bugged in more than one way.  Going to just delete that save.)