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Alarm Clocks in Sims 3 October 30, 2013

Posted by simgnome in Useful Game Mods.
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Gnomes at Play

Ever notice how useless the alarm clocks in Sims 3 are?  They never wake you up in time to use the bathroom and have a proper breakfast no matter what you do.  JCGurango at Mod2Sims has finally solved that problem with a useful mod here. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=507628  It will allow you to set a wake up time for one sim or even several using the existing EA alarm clocks even.  YES!  You get to set the time to whatever works best for your sim.  The only thing missing is a snooze button but it can’t be too perfect can it? Great idea and finally a real use for the alarm clocks now exist!  Enjoy!

Selling Odd Items Here and There October 30, 2013

Posted by simgnome in Useful Game Mods.
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Produce Stand

New Produce Stand at Mod2Sims

Here is a great new mod item for Sims 3 at Mod 2 Sims by Ani and Sandy.  You can grab it here…  http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=512416

What does it do, you might ask?  Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to set up a stand either on your home lot or on a public one to sell off any item you might have laying around in inventory?  You can sell books, paintings, sculptures, produce, fish, seeds, rocks, gems and well…you get the idea, pretty much anything even gnomes.  You can place display only items on the cart top…in the picture above I placed 2 books, some peppers, garlic and a seed to show how it’s done. You can even tend the stand yourself or hire an employee to handle the sales for you.  It’s the next best thing to sliced apples!  Really it is, check it out at Mod2Sims!

Fish Farming Anyone? July 1, 2010

Posted by simgnome in Useful Game Mods.
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I found a useful mod over at  the Naughty Sims Asylum that makes fish farming possible.  I know Claire Ursine was very excited about this and I’m sure your Anglers will be too.  You need to have Sims 3 and the HELS Stuff Pack for it to work as it needs the large aquarium from the stuff pack but I really love this mod!  Lots of other goodies at that site and it is the home of the best story progression mod available, in my opinion.  It’s realistic and does keep your town population well managed over time.  More on story progression mods in another post but wanted to mention it but briefly.

Updated Link.  You now have to register at the Naughty Sims Asylum but once you do this link will take you right to the mod to download.
